Real-Time Nonparametric Reactive Navigation of Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments

Published in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2017

Sungjoon Choi, Eunwoo Kim, Kyungjae Lee, and Songhwai Oh, “Real-Time Nonparametric Reactive Navigation of Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 91, pp. 11-24, May 2017.

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a nonparametric motion controller using Gaussian process regression for autonomous navigation in a dynamic environment. Particularly, we focus on its applicability to low-cost mobile robot platforms with low-performance processors. The proposed motion controller predicts future trajectories of pedestrians using the partially-observable egocentric view of a robot and controls a robot using both observed and predicted trajectories. Furthermore, a hierarchical motion controller is proposed by dividing the controller into multiple sub-controllers using a mixture-of-experts framework to further alleviate the computational cost. We also derive an efficient method to approximate the upper bound of the learning curve of Gaussian process regression, which can be used to determine the required number of training samples for the desired performance. The performance of the proposed method is extensively evaluated in simulations and validated experimentally using a Pioneer 3DX mobile robot with two Microsoft Kinect sensors. In particular, the proposed baseline and hierarchical motion controllers show over and improvements over a reactive planner and predictive vector field histogram, respectively, in terms of the collision rate.
